Estimating free flash file space

Some Digi products support the standard Python os.statvfs() function to query FLASH filesystem stats. Note that due the realities of file system overhead, allocating a file of size X, then freeing that file may not return the free/used statistics to the exact same condition.

Below is an example code which runs on a Digi ConnectPort X4 or Connect SP.

import os
import traceback

    x = os.statvfs("WEB")
    print 'raw', x
    total = x[0] * x[2]
    free = x[0] * x[3]
    used = total - free
    print 'total:%0.2fMB free:%0.2fMB used:%0.2fMB' % \
        (total/1000000.0, free/1000000.0, used/1000000.0)

   print "perhaps this product does not have YAFFS?"